Eric Nagel

Eric Nagel

CTO, PHP Programmer, Affiliate Marketer & IT Consultant

Google Affiliate Network API PHP Script

Google Affiliate Network

I was excited when I read Google had released an API for their Affiliate Network, as I wanted to automate pulling sales data from GAN. But I quickly became disheartened when I realized how difficult it is to use.

Since this was for myself, and not a web-based service that would be used by others, the Simple API method of authorization was good enough. After getting it to work with Picasa, but not GAN, I asked for some help and was introduced to the OAuth 2.0 Playground. This showed me the headers I’d need to send, and how OAuth 2.0 works.

For the record: the Google Affiliate Network API does NOT support Simple API Access. You cannot access the service with an API Key and IP locking.

I now have a working script, and have written up step-by-step instructions on how you can pull orders from GAN automatically each day.

This script is not complete, as it’s up to you to do something with the data once you have it. You can also modify the final call to pull advertisers, instead of orders.

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Google Rank Checker API

I read the other day, It would make life so much easier if Google had a paid rank checker API. Google might not have one, but Raven Tools does

Dec-7 2012 Update

Raven Tools no longer supplies SERP rank data. Use Microsite Masters instead

Not many people know this, but Raven Tools has an API.

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Using the Microsoft adCenter API to Automate Reporting in PHP

Microsoft Advertising LogoAfter nearly three months of on & off coding, banging my head against the table and thumbing through the most comprehensive yet incomprehensible documentation I’ve ever seen, I was finally able to automate downloading stats (impressions, clicks, cost) for my coupon site.

For the longest time, the adCenter API was very closed. However, it now seems they’re opening it up, and I quickly was able to get an API account, but wasn’t able to get anything to work. Even adCenter’s most simple script doesn’t work out of the box, and it’s nearly impossible to figure out what has to be done. Hopefully this post will help you.

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Using the LinkShare Merchandiser Web Service

Linkshare Web Services
Linkshare Web Services
Building a product site using the LinkShare Merchandiser Web Service is one of the easiest and most straight-forward tasks you can do. If you’re just getting started with datafeeds and product-based sites, you may want to start here.

If you don’t have an account, you first need to signup with LinkShare. Then login, and click on Web Services under Links. Next, generate or update your token. You’ll need this when making requests.

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