I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Affiliate Summit West 2011 is in the history books (read through my session recaps). This was the first Summit in which I spoke (Datafeeds panel and Inside the Minds of Affiliates) and while I didn’t think it was a big deal, I was relieved when the second panel was finished.

After early registration (which, if you go to Affiliate Summit, you MUST do early registration to save yourself some headaches) I went up to Jason Rubacky‘s room and met some affiliates that I’ve only talked to online, then made dinner plans. Long story short, I ended up getting pizza with Kim Rowly and Greg Hoffman. We then headed over to the Buy.at Mixology party, where I met my newcomer
Shaina and other long-time industry friends.

Upon returning to Affiliate Summit, I attended the Mastermind session briefly, then dropped in on Affiliate Improv! After the snack break, I hit up James Martell’s Making Money With Affiliate Programs for Beginners, then immediately afterward, Local Lead Generation. After attending all these sessions, I was on a panel with Scott Jangro and Joe Sousa, Using Datafeeds to Monetize Sites. Datafeeds is something I can talk about for hours, but the conversation really depends on the level of the audience. Having to cover everything from the basics to the advanced was a challenge. A few times I thought we were losing the audience, so I dropped some tips that even helped the panelists. I hope that earned me some positive reviews in the feedback 🙂
The Newcomer Meet-up was on the agenda next, but since I had already met my newcomer, we skipped that and I went to Ian Fernando‘s dinner, sponsored by Executive Fortunes. I had the chance to sit next to Ad Hustler, and we talked about everything from the snow in NY, to cruises, to affiliate marketing. I was also able to get answers to all the questions I had after his Local Lead Gen session.

Monday morning I was up about 4:30 or so, and found Jason was also awake, so I grabbed some coffee and had a little brainstorming session with him. We mostly talked about the Church of SEO, then went to breakfast with Amanda Orson.
After breakfast, my second panel was in session, Inside the Minds of Affiliates. For Kim, Tricia and myself, it felt like a therapy session, letting merchants in the room know what we like, and what drives us nuts! Hopefully the merchants got something out of it – I had a few come up to me at lunch & compliment me on the session.
Monday afternoon was the SEO Site Review, then a network launch with a Q&A with Wil Reynolds. I felt sorry for the network, as there was only 5 or 6 of us there, but it was a great chance to talk to Wil. As Tricia Meyer and I were leaving to meet up with some others for dinner, we thought to ask Wil if he wanted to join us; once he said yes, we blew off the others! We got to really pick Wil’s brain, and Wil was able to get some affiliate advise for one of his sites.
Got SCHOOLED last night by @esnagel & @sunshinetricia on some great ideas for my site, I’m going to become an affiliate after all!!
After dinner, we went to Trivia and the team I was on ended up winning (with no thanks to me)!
Once again, I was up before the sun on Tuesday, grabbed some coffee, and headed up to Jason’s room. I’ve decided I’m going to hold East Coast Brainstorming Sessions
at ASW next year, for all of us from the East Coast who haven’t adjusted to the time change.
After coffee & breakfast, I headed over to the Pinnacle Awards and Keynote. I was up for Best Blogger, and somehow ended up winning! I guess people really do read what I write 🙂 Too bad John Chow’s audience can’t read past the headline, and were congratulating him on winning.
I enjoyed Tuesday’s keynote better than Monday’s, and the speaker, Brian Solis, worked and read the audience well. Afterward I went to Improving the Affiliate / Affiliate Manager Relationship with Logan, Joe, Jason, Jamie Birch and moderated by Todd Farmer.
By this time, I was done! The conference tired me out, so I spent some time in the Blogger’s Lounge where I was interviewed by Charles Bohannan of Wordful. I ended up in Jason’s room, again, and did a little whiteboarding with Daniel Feinberg.

Thanks to Shawn & Missy for another great Summit! It’s always a great show to attend, and I can’t recommend it enough to those in the industry.
Be sure to register early for Affiliate Summit East 2011 in NYC this August 21-23.
Ian Fernando
glad you enjoyed the dinner man!
Eric Nagel
It was a great dinner! Tyler took care of us well!
Stephanie Lichtenstein
Great recap Eric too bad I didn’t get to see you more! We need to post an updated pic of us on your blog 🙂
Eric Nagel
Next time I’m in NY, which will probably be ASE. Although when I saw that photo I was thinking, your Getting Noticed Fast panel really pushed me to create this blog. I owe some of my success as Best Blogger to that panel 🙂
Tricia Meyer
Great recap! It was terrific getting to spend more time with you this Summit. And what can I say about our dinner with Wil except that it was probably one of luckiest things that has happened to me in a long time? Maybe next time it will be my turn for the tattoo. 😉
Eric Nagel
“Giggles McSunshine”. Just have to pick a font
Shawn Collins
Wow – I am out of breath just reading your recap. You were non-stop.
Thanks for all of your contributions and support of Affiliate Summit and congrats on the award!
Eric Nagel
Thanks, Shawn. And I’m serious about the East Coast early-morning session at ASW12. All I need is coffee & a room 🙂
Shawn Collins
How early?
Eric Nagel
Thinking 7am. If you’re seriously considering it, e-mail me. More people would probably show up if it wasn’t in Rubacky’s suite 🙂
Greg Hoffman
I was awake at that time. I just didn’t want to get showered. Eric says that is a requirement.
Khalid J Hosein
Hi Eric,
Just so everyone knows, the Datafeeds session was definitely not ‘no big deal’, but really informative. I also really appreciate you chatting with me after and giving me some great ideas.
I hope you keep speaking at events like this, especially on the more technical subjects which I think are sometimes overlooked.
Eric Nagel
Thanks, Khalid. I’m really glad to hear this. I’ve been to some technical sessions before, and felt like I was the only one who appreciated it. As long as people know what they’re getting into before they step into the room, I think there’s a place for them at conferences.
Charles Bohannan
Hi Eric — it was great meeting you — you totally deserve that award by the way. That John Chow got nothing on you 🙂
Immediately after I interviewed you, I caught the flu and basically got my body obliterated and my mind erased for the next 36 hours. The flight home to Hawaii really sucked.
But it was totally worth it! It was my first ASW and I’m going back to ASE. Will let you know as soon as I post the interview. Aloha
Eric Nagel
Oh no! I hope you didn’t forget our conversation, although you did take some good notes. Looking forward to reading the interview, and all of your future blog posts.
Greg Hoffman
A great recap from the Blogger of the Year.
Eric Nagel
Thanks bud – there’s so much more I can say, but thank you for moderating our panel, hanging out with us last week, and for being a good friend.
Heather in BC
It was great to see you in the blogger lounge Eric. I was honored you entrusted your fabulous Pinnacle Best Blogger trophy to me but I finally had to cover it with a napkin because it was hard to keep people from picking it up and I didn’t want it to grow legs!
When John Chow was writing his post he actually said his readers wouldn’t get past the headline and picture and would be congratulating him… he always go for the shock and awe. I’m glad he gave you a link & perhaps new readers 😉
Great recap of ASW11 – you are so right, it’s THE conference to attend!
Eric Nagel
It was great seeing you again too, Heather. Thanks again for watching over the award.
John’s good at shock & awe… no hard feelings. Good luck with your blog, and I hope to see you in the Blogger’s Lounge in NY!
Kim Rowley
Great recap, Eric! So jealous of Tricia and you having dinner with Wil Reynolds – maybe I should have blown off my dinner plans as well!
Eric Nagel
It was an amazing opportunity to talk to Wil on such a level. But, there was no pizza at dinner… although there were Macaroni & Cheese bites!
I stayed at Treasure Island and also walked down to the Cathedral Sunday morning. Not too bad of a walk. Almost stepped on a couple of homeless laying on the fake grass of the Encore.
Love your blog…
when is your next speaking engagement?
I saw the tattoo…what does it stand for?
congrats on winning the blogger award
Eric Nagel
Thanks, Jeremy. Besides the WNY Internet Marketers meet-up on Feb-12, I’m not sure when I’m speaking next. Working on something with Affiliate Summit, and will announce it when ready.
VII III MMI is my anniversary, July 3, 2001. EPH 5:25 is Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”