My notes from Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

Back in 2009, I was in a Mastermind Group where one of the members was into SEO and suggested I pick up a copy of The Art of SEO. I didn’t understand why, in this day & age of blogs & microblogging, would I want a book on SEO (a topic with weekly updates). However, this book combined so much knowledge from Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Rand Fishkin and Jessie Stricchiola, I’m glad I bought it.
When I saw a second edition was recently released, I had to wonder if it was worth buying again. I had originally paid $38.20 at the end of 2009, and the second edition is available for $42.33 ($31.99 for the Kindle Edition). AppSumo had a free chapter available, so I thought I’d compare the contents of the new version versus the first edition, based on the table of contents and Chapter 6: Developing an SEO-Friendly Website.
While other affiliate program management books may cover the big topics, Geno goes into detail on launching and running a successful program.