Eric Nagel

Eric Nagel

CTO, PHP Programmer, Affiliate Marketer & IT Consultant

Why You Need a Mobile Version of Your Website

If you share links to your website via Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) you need to be ready for mobile visitors.

First thing in the morning, as I wait for my first cup of coffee to hit my bloodstream, I’m on my phone. First, I go through email and answer anything urgent. Then, over to Facebook and catch up on what happened while I slept. And finally, I’ll open TweetDeck and go through my Twitter feed.

When I see a story I want to read, and click through, many times the linked site doesn’t have a mobile version of their site. When this happens, I end up going back and favoriting the tweet to read later. But making your site mobile-friendly isn’t difficult. In fact, if you use WordPress, you can have it done in less than 5 minutes.

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How to Replace “All in One SEO Pack” with “WordPress SEO” by Yoast

Wordpress SEO

Years ago, I created a WordPress blog and chose the All in One SEO Pack plugin to handle my post title tags and meta descriptions. Later on, I learned of WordPress SEO by Yoast and used it on all of my other blogs. Yet this early site still had the other plugin installed, with lots of data.

Today, I replaced All in One SEO Pack with Yoast’s WordPress SEO, and kept all of my customized title tags and meta descriptions. Here’s how:

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