Eric Nagel

Tracking ShareASale Commissions with Prosper202

I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Prosper202 is a powerful affiliate marketing tracking software package, with the ability to give you your revenue, cost, and ROI on your PPC campaigns. But the true power is shown when you automate as much as possible.

I’ve previously written how to use the ShareASale API, but left it up to you to fill in the blanks. In this example, I’m going to show you how to automatically get your ShareASale revenues to post back to Prosper202.

Before we begin, make sure you’re read the first post I wrote, or else this one will go by quickly. What this script does is fetches your sales from the previous day and submits the values and SIDs to your Prosper202 installation.

$dYesterday = date("m/d/Y", time()-86400);

$cURL = '' . $dYesterday . '&dateEnd=' . $dYesterday . '&XMLFormat=0';
// $cURL = 'sas.csv';

$fp = fopen($cURL, "r");
if ($fp) {
	$rsMap = array();
	while (empty($rsMap) && (($rsHeadings = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, "|")) !== FALSE)) {
		if (md5(serialize($rsHeadings)) != '5b448a7bdbeea0be7d7f758f5f8ee90b') {
			// echo(md5(serialize($rsHeadings)) . "\n");
			// print_r($rsHeadings);

			while (list($nIndex, $cColumn) = each($rsHeadings)) {
				// echo("$cColumn => $nIndex<br />\n");

				$cColumn = ereg_replace("\(.+\)", "", $cColumn);

				$rsMap[$cColumn] = $nIndex;
			} // ends while (list($nIndex, $cColumn) = each($rsHeadings))
			// print_r($rsMap);
		} // ends

		[Trans ID] => 0
		[User ID] => 1
		[Merchant ID] => 2
		[Trans Date] => 3
		[Trans Amount] => 4
		[Commission] => 5
		[Comment] => 6
		[Voided] => 7
		[Pending Date] => 8
		[Locked] => 9
		[Aff Comment] => 10
		[Banner Page] => 11
		[Reversal Date] => 12
		[Click Date] => 13
		[Click Time] => 14
		[Banner Id] => 15
	while (($rsStatData = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, "|")) !== FALSE) {
		// print_r($rsStatData);
		if (
			(md5(serialize($rsDeal)) != '5b448a7bdbeea0be7d7f758f5f8ee90b') &&
			($rsStatData[$rsMap['Commission']] > 0) &&
			!empty($rsStatData[$rsMap['Aff Comment']]) &&
			($rsStatData[$rsMap['Aff Comment']] != "none")
			) {

			$cPostback = '' . urlencode($rsStatData[$rsMap['Commission']]) . '&subid=' . urlencode($rsStatData[$rsMap['Aff Comment']]);
			// echo("$cPostback\n");
			$fpPostback = @fopen($cPostback, "r");
			if ($fpPostback !== false) {
			} // ends

		} // ends if (!empty($rsDeal))

	} // ends while (($data = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, "|")) !== FALSE)
} // ends if ($fp)

The script creates a URL to grab yesterday’s stats, creates an array of the column headers ($rsMap), loops through the rest of the stats and if:

then it pings your Prosper202 installation and updates the database with the commission for that SID.

Most of the code in this script is just reading the CSV file and getting the column names in place. The real work is done in lines 55-60.

Remember you’re limited to 200 API calls per month with ShareASale, so schedule this script to run daily (via cron).

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. And if you haven’t done so already, signup with ShareASale!